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A Jekyll playground site

All recent content - page 3

46 articles in this section. Page 3 of 5

This index contains all New posts or articles in all categories and collections, sorted by modification timestamp. Most recent posts are on top.


Last modified:
Saturday, 30. October 2021 — 11:17 | by Admin in Fun

Alles wird teurer, so auch Treibstoffe


Blöde Witze mitgeloggt

Last modified:
Thursday, 21. October 2021 — 21:22 | by Admin in Fun

Dumme, nicht immer ganz politisch korrekte Witze in deutscher Sprache. Die meisten davon urarlt und vermutlich eh längst bekannt.

fun german

A simple Table Of Contents solution for Jekyll

Last modified:
Monday, 18. October 2021 — 18:27 | by Admin in Jekyll
Jekyll Logo
Jekyll Logo

This is a simple but fairly useful solution to display a table of contents for a post or article on a Jekyll site. It does not use additional plugins or other 3rd party software.



Last modified:
Saturday, 16. October 2021 — 12:15 | by Admin in Fun

Wer braucht schon eine Türklingel

fun memes german

A tag to insert a code selector widget

Last modified:
Monday, 11. October 2021 — 14:36 | by Admin in Jekyll
Jekyll Logo
Jekyll Logo

This is a simple Liquid tag that inserts a code selector widget. When clicking on it, the code in the following highlight block will be selected. This tag must be put immediately before the highlight tag.


Example for an advanced Liquid tag for fancybox images

Last modified:
Sunday, 10. October 2021 — 20:10 | by Admin in Jekyll
Jekyll Logo
Jekyll Logo

An advanced liquid tag for embedding images with jquery fancybox in Jekyll.


Example for custom Liquid tags for Jekyll

Last modified:
Friday, 08. October 2021 — 17:51 | by Admin in Jekyll
Jekyll Logo
Jekyll Logo

Create a (very) simple Ruby plugin that implements a custom Liquid template tag for a Jekyll site. Includes a few examples like a tag to embed videos.


Control jemoji plugin with front matter variable

Last modified: , 349 Words
Friday, 08. October 2021 — 04:46 | by Admin in Jekyll

Use a front matter variable to control the jemoji plugin in Jekyll. This allows to disable emjoi parsing for a single page.


Der Bastinator

Last modified:
Thursday, 07. October 2021 — 21:53 | by Admin in Fun

Der Bastinator kommt und wer es wagt ihn anzupatzen, der wird nichts mehr zu lachen haben auf dieser Welt

fun memes german kurz

Wer den Schaden hat...

Last modified:
Wednesday, 06. October 2021 — 19:52 | by Admin in Fun

Sebastian Kurz hat aktuell einige Problemchen, aber es gilt die Unschuldsvermutung

memes fun kurz