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subspace (/ˈsʌbspɛɪs/)
A Jekyll playground site

Privacy Statement for

This covers questions regarding privacy for this site.

Last modified: Thursday, 29. December 2022 — 16:23

Purpose of this site

This is a personal and 100% non-commercial web site operated by a single individual for entertainment and personal use only. There are no commercial interests behind this site and all standard disclaimers apply. This site does not serve ads or track users in any form and does not generate financial revenue.

This site does not use any external web services by commercial entities1. It may or may not be indexed by Google or other search providers, but I do not actively pursue this. This site also does not use commercial web analytics services like Google Analytics. It also does not embed fonts or other resources from external sites, like, for example, Google Fonts. While web fonts are used, they are hosted locally on the same server.

Location and hosting of this web site.

This site is hosted on GitLab using their free GitLab Pages feature. The comment and analytics systems (see below), are hosted on a single server at a local hosting provider in the European Union. GitLab may use content delivery networks from third parties which is beyond control of the site owner.

Used technology

The site is built with a static page generator, so what you see are simple HTML pages with some CSS and JavaScript. No dynamic content, no user accounts, no tracking, no database and zero ads. Every single visitor using a supported browser2 will see exactly the same pages.

The site does not embed external resources like Google Fonts or similar. All scripts are hosted on the site itself, no cross-site requests are necessary.

Data collection

Absolutely no personal data is collected, processed or otherwise used by this web site, except your public IP address which will be logged on every access. The log files might be kept by the hoster (GitLab) for an unspecified time span. This is beyond control of the site owner.


This site is using a few cookies for improving user experience. One is set when you accept the cookie notice as a first-time visitor (the green box on top of the page). Its purpose is to remember you’ve already seen this notice, so it won’t show up again. The other Cookie is used to store a few user preferences. For example, you can opt-in to hide certain notices and your choice will be saved to this Cookie.

The comments system (see below) uses a few more cookies to save your preferences. None of them are shared with third parties.

Some cookies may be set to store reader preferences.

Ads or other ways to monetize the site

In a few words. None. Zero. Zilch. This is a hobby project, I have no interest nor need to make money off it. No Ads, no tracking, no affiliate links.

Comments System

Some pages allow visitors to post comments. The software that handles comments is OpenSource and you can find more Information about it here. This commenting platform has been designed with a „privacy-first” approach in mind. It does neither collect nor share any personal information and allows a visitor to submit comments without providing personal information. Again, please note that your public IP address is logged by the web server software. The commenting software is hosted on a small AWS Lightsail instance running CentOS Linux.

Web analytics

This site uses GoatCounter, a simple free and Open Source web analytics software that does not track users and does not collect any data other than how often a page was accessed. The counter software is hosted on a private AWS instance and the collected data is only available for viewing by the site administrator. No data is given away to any third party.

  1. Note that some pages may embed external content from sites like YouTube or Twitter. In such a case your browser may initiate connections to these external sites. 

  2. As of 2021, all modern desktop and mobile browsers not older than 2-3 years can be considered ‹supported›