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My Neovim Dotfiles

Author: Alex
Title: My Neovim dotfiles
Language: en-US
Number of words: 390
Created: 14:11 on Monday, 02. January 2023
Modified: 02:30 on Wednesday, 04. January 2023
Keywords: neovim, lua

My personal configuration (aka „dotfiles“) for the Neovim text editor. The project is hosted on GitLab and can serve as base for your own config. But I advice against using it directly, because it is fast-moving target and some changes may even break it.

Tags: neovim
Page layout: default_dyn
Media: 2 Object(s)
Last modified: , 390 Words
14:11 on Monday, 02. January 2023 | by Alex in Neovim

Core features:

The configuration is built around Neovim’s native LSP implementation and uses Treesitter for advanced highlighting, nvim-cmp for autocompletion, neo-tree as file-tree and many more plugins. The goal is to create an editor configuration for software developers, using all the advanced features.

Neovim-Orgmode is also included.


  • Neovim 0.8 or later is the minimum supported version. Some OS-level prerequisites like ripgrep and fd are necessary for optimal functionality of some plugins (particularly telescope).

  • A working C compiler might be required to install additional Tree-Sitter parsers.

  • Git is required to install and update plugins

  • A terminal with True Color support and a NERD Font is highly recommended. Without them, the visual quality will suffer greatly. I suggest either Alacritty or Kitty. Both will make Neovim look much better and increase performance of all terminal-based applications. A NERD Font comes with many symbols, icons, Unicode characters and even emojis. Without such a font, Neovim would not be able to display filetype icons, emojis and many other symbols. My NERD Font of choice (see screen shots) is Iosevka, a free monospaced font that comes with many variations- Available on the NERD Font download page

How it looks

How my Neovim looks like - with the „cold“ theme

The color theme is a modified version of sonokai and uses some advanced features like different background colors for special windows like Neotree, terminal and outline views. It also comes with 2 color variants, a cold one with a blue-ish tint and a warm variant with a more red-ish look.

Here is the warm variant, also visible is the right sidebar with the symbol outline viewer.

How my Neovim looks like - with the „warm“ theme and the outline sidebar.

LSP configuration

The configuration does not use LSPInstall. Language servers are configured manually in lua/setup_lsp. The paths to language servers are configured in lua/config.lua. You can optionally enable Mason and let it do all the installation work. I prefer a manual LSP configuration and keep the language servers updated externally.

Pre-configured language servers:

  • clangd (C, CPP, objective C)
  • gopls (Go)
  • tsserver (JavaScript, TypeScript)
  • pyright (Python)
  • cssls (CSS and SCSS)
  • html-language-server
  • dartls (Dart and Flutter)
  • rust-analyzer (Rust, obviously)
  • sumneko_lua (Lua)
  • vimls (Vim Script)
  • nimlsp (The Nim language)
  • texlab (TeX and LaTeX)
  • als (Ada)
  • metals (for Scala, but this requires a lot of additional installation work)

How to use this.

The config is highly modular. Many plugins can be enabled or disabled by editing lua/config.lua. After changing the plugin configuration, running a PackerSync is mandatory.

Where to get?

The project is hosted on GitLab


  • Tree-Sitter: JavaScript parser is disabled, because it’s just too damn slow. You can change this in lua/setup_treesitter.lua.
  • Tree-Sitter: Indentation feature is disabled, because it can cause massive memory leaks. See this issue. You may also change this in lua/setup_treesitter.lua.
  • Color scheme: still some inconsistencies, it’s WIP.